Those Sounds Which I Make
not those sounds


Here's a bit of and update:

I really haven't done much with music since i pawned my recording gear. I had planned to upgrade, but i had to buy a car instead. It just hasn't been a priority. Music has mostly taken a side road to real life. Maybe it'll change.

Current downloads


Tear Room - Lyrics
This song was recorded as part of a demo project done by myself and ollie mamaril. we recorded this is the summer of 2002. guitars and vocals recorded and done by myself, while everything else was recorded, played, mixed, and mastered by ollie.
other songs recorded on this demo were: In Dilemma, Feelings, and My Once a Day

This song is purely me. I recorded through a sound effects mixer onto a VERY old panasonic tape player (through the "input" channel!). this is also a very early recording, and was a total blast to do (i looove effects!). recorded in early 1998.

Angel's Wings - Lyrics
this was on of my first songs ever recorded. didn't turn out half bad - just mostly bad. recorded in early '98 i played rhythm, lead, and bass guitar. while my sister had her friend sang vocals.

O Holy Night
this is a christmas song i recorded. my friend lydia potter sang vocals and my other friend morgan played the piano. this was an interesting song to do. morgan came over to my house one day and recorded the piano part and then i took all the gear over to lydia's house and recorded her. i believe this was recorded some time in 2000.