June - July 2005

Katrina Pissed looking
katrina doesn't seem to happy about this picture

Katrina sleeping
katrina sleeping. i took this one morning after my 3rd shift

katrina on her way to work
katrina on her way to work... yeeey

katrina is the wendy's girl
katrina is the wendy's girl

myself and my new car
myself and my camry that i bought a few months ago

Same, goofing around
myself looking goofy

myself and the geo storm
myself and my geo storm... anyone want it??

Bryan Patel. that crazy indian guy

Bryan at his best. looking retarded :-D

David Shira
David Shira. my legally insane co-worker.

Timothy Martin
oh look its TIM! one of the few times he actually counted the register down.

wow tim, what a sexy sexy smile. hahaha

my insanely portioned boxes. these are the boxes i portioned in a mad dash to annoy the living shit out of 1st & 2nd shift

more boxes

aubrey and katrina
katrina and i at the pool hall on the fourth of july

cary porter
cary my roommates boyfriend shooting pool

kristy and cary
kristy and cary on the fourth of july.

katrina shooting pool
katrina shooting pool on the fourth of july

tim, aubrey and bryan
tim, aubrey and bryan