Katrina with her newly dyed hair!!!
oooh look! yey! katrina again!
Katrina decorating the cake we made for david!!!
there she is again! wow amazing!
The finished product!
ooh YIKES! did i just put that picture on here?!?! WOW i DID I DID!
she doesn't look to happy about it, does she? haha.. this is when we roasted in nashville!
lookie mommie i think those little people are tegan and sara!
cary, kristy, steven... not looking to happy about seeing tegan and sara.
steve is a freak of nature and his camera shy girlfriend
lookie you can almost see katrina and steven's asses!
this is what katrina has brought back from her learning experiences in tennessee.
use these or you may end up like one of my neighbors
me after katrina bleached part of my hair out. i look freaky. we've agreed on that.
yey i like this picture. it makes me happy for some reason.
me with wet hair after katrina dyed it
now this picture is awesome! good job katrina!!!